is my personal brand, that addresses many topics around fampreneurship (family oriented entrepreneurship) and digital marketing for working parents.
You can join my facebook group to receive updated information and inspiration.
To know how I am working and what I´m offering, you can see here…
Our Children's Future
is dealing with questions about the necessary skills for our children, how we can support them to develop their abilities for the future. One is for sure: it will be not enough to teach them common knowledge. They need to deal with totally new issues, they inherate by us. Here's access to every first Monday free webinar, 6 PM CET (Europe: Berlin)
Kid's Academy by digifampreneur
“Ebay learning instead of pocket money debat” is a project of our 7-year-old daughter to earn her own money since 2019. We don't like stress about pocket money. If you are interested, you can find our digital course in the Kids' academy here:
Course on constructive and binding separations
Implementing common parental care with the separated or divorced parent seems like squaring the circle. How should you cooperate with the person who hurt yourself and your children the most, and that for life?
This German-speaking course accompanies parents in the difficult process, in order to find access to one of the most important people in a lifetime despite inevitable injuries: the father or mother of their own children