My name is Gloria Pirjol, I´m a passionate fampreneur located in Berlin, Germany. Since more than 2 decades I worked offline, hard on my limits. My professional focus is employee assistance programs (stress management and addiction counseling) and teaching in social sciences at Best-Sabel Berufsakademie and various universities in Berlin.
As a result of this practice, I largely digitized in 2017, long before the pandemic, and my work-life balance has improved considerably.
Time is short, for working parents this is shorter than usually!
I guess, you are familiar with moments other adults claiming about having no time for vacations, reading, going out to concerts and so on. Normally I ask myself “How many years it took, when I had my first shower without rush? 3 or 4 years after my daughter was born?” “When did I had my last call to a friend of mine, chatting really endless times about gossips?”
I'm pretty sure, when this time of recovering starts – in 2018: Springs came in town and our neighbour kids were playing on regular times in backyard, my online business starts to become ready and works automatically, and after 6 years I had my first minutes, when I was only looking into the sky and to my daughter's play. Wondering, that nobody seems to need me for minutes. This was an awesome moment!
And I'm pretty sure, you also know these feelings, the years before this, your visions, your dreams, your burdens and your fear to break down before you reach this awesome moments.
I found my way into my hybrid biz, online and offline parts. It was a rough start and it took me a longer path to learn, but now it works pretty well.
If you want to find a timne for a meeting, please feel free to use my book me-calendar.